Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Meatloaf and Mac

Meatloaf with Mac & Cheese. Everyone has their own meatloaf recipe I bet. I got mine off of an onion soup box, which I can't find anymore. I've made it more than a handful of times, so now I don't really measure. In a pinch, its about a TBS of italian seasoning, salt, pepper, 1 diced yellow onion, 2 lbs hamburger, 2 eggs, 3/4 cup ketchup (or so), 2 TBS A1 sauce, and enough breadcrumbs to make it not so wet but not too much to make it dried up (maybe about 3/4 cup). And, of course ketchup on top.

We haven't had boxed Mac & Cheese in a long time. I was buying the 4 cheese kind from Walgreens but with the 2 kids screaming at the top of their lungs and me wondering if they were going to kill each other or put a hole in the wall, this worked.

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