Monday, June 6, 2011

iRazoo rant iRazoo. At first I didn't mind their new changes, like the 2 extra captchas a day, but now they changed it to 15 captchas a day and that's just tedious and time consuming. They did up the daily comment points from 100 to 150 so I am getting more points a day, but 50 points for an extra 10 minutes. But let's add up the extra 50 points. 30 days x 50 points= 1500 more points. Previously 3000 points a month, so now we're getting 4500 points a month which is almost 2 amazon giftcards. With search points you probably could get the 6000 points a month for 2 cards, but I don't always remember to search 4x a day.

All I can do is hope that with all these new updates that they will get the gift cards out on time. :)

(check out my page Easy FREE $$$ Sites That Work for Me for more information)

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