Friday, June 3, 2011

First FREE Day Visit for the Summer

June 1st was a FREE admission day at the Alder Planetarium in Chicago. Technically, it was $16 for the visit because of parking. However, you get to park like 200 feet from the entrance so in my opinion it was worth it. Normally for non-resident adults the cost is $10 and $6 for children from ages 3-11. They have their own cafe to order food from or you can eat outside at the picnic areas, beach or grass. Shows are separate. We paid $30 for the 4 us to see "One World, One Sky: Big Bird's Adventure" in the Definiti Space Theater which is a dome shaped theatre where the screen is completely above and around you. It was the only thing that I could think of to do for tot2 since he can't read and wasn't really interesting in the exhibits. There was a Planet Explorers section with hands-on activities for kids so he was able to interact some. Even child8 liked the Big Bird/Elmo showing because they discussed the stars, moon and different parts of the world like China.

Highlight of the day: Almost simultaneously, hubby and child8 said "Look, a button!"
After 3 hours of walking through the exhibits and maxing out my camera, we went outside to find an awesome view of Lake Michigan with beach attached at no cost. Tot2 was literally stumbling from lack of nap so we didn't stay. We agreed to save the beach exploration for 2 weeks from now when the Shedd Aquarium has their FREE days. Hubby wants me to price the train next time for something different.

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