The only way I can get child8 to go outside, when it is gorgeous, is to suggest that he take his book and read/draw on the $530 child playset we bought them. Tot2 would stay out there from breakfast till bedtime and survive on bugs if we'd let him. However, I can't leave him outside by himself. I have to find ways to get child8 outside so I can get in 5 minutes intervals of cleaning.
Our afternoon conversation:
Child8: Go get mommy. Tell her you want to take a nap.
Tot2: No. No. NO.
Child8: Here. Take this to mommy. Time for nap.
Tot2: NO. NO. No.
Me: He's not taking a nap for another 20 minutes. So play WITH him.
Child8: He's bothering me!
Me: So? He bothers me, too. (laughing)
Aren't kids wonderful? I can't complain too much, though. They were OK at Aldi's. I still need to go to Walgreens but will wait till after hubby gets home and just take one of them.
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