Yes, I am drinking coffee. Delicious (free) coffee by the way. Yes, I have gained 5 pounds since returning from our cruise. No it was not from cruise food (I actually lost 2 lbs on the cruise). No, I do not care.
As of this week, I want salty, sweet, chocolate food and I will eat it all (if I had some)! Also, I am sick and when I am sick I eat everything. For some reason it makes me feel better, even when I am not hungry. Child3 has been in school for only two weeks and the contagious spread of germs from 3 and 4 year olds has begun. Even the teacher was sick yesterday. I cannot even imagine how she isn't sick every week with all the toddlers putting their hands in the garbage cans because they want to know what is in there, wiping their hands on her, and spitting on the classroom desks.
I will start my "diet" on Monday. I will eliminate coffee on Monday. Today I need to stay awake or my children will tie me up like the giant in Gulliver's Travels and my husband will find me gagged in the closet in the morning.
It really isn't a diet. I just eliminate the foods I know I'm not supposed to eat by not buying them when I go shopping. I watch my calorie count so I can keep track of how much I am actually snacking. When I'm bored, I snack. I was using an online calorie counter but I know my max and what I feel comfortable with. I am aware of my portions now and have felt guilty this past month when I know I do not need to fill my plate that full to be full. I enjoy food, though. I have to eat because I'm anemic and I need the iron.
I enjoy food.
My poor husband has had to make his own sweets for the past couple of months because if I cook it I will eat it. Now, my husband cooking is not a bad thing. However, it doesn't excite my taste buds. He cooks out of a box because it is fast and efficient. I want to cook now that the weather is changing. I like to experiment with new recipes based off of the ingredients in my pantry. It was a very depressing day when I received the letter from school stating that we can no longer bring in food for snacks, birthday treats or holidays unless it has a store label on it. I did not sign up for child9's holiday food helper this year because it was not fun last year. I felt obligated to sign up for Valentine's day and just picked up some mini red velvet cupcakes from the store. The pre-school has its own funding for everything so we are not allowed to bring in any food for any holiday, even birthdays. I'm thinking of finding inventive ways to make goodie bags that are cheap enough for at least tot3's birthday in April. I understand the school's take on food allergies because I have family and friends with specific allergies but it still is a damper on my fun in the kitchen.
Now this really didn't have much a point besides that I am drinking coffee and I will not share! And I am sad that it is only two cups because I used a packet that I took from the hotel we stayed at last month. Oh well, at least its not de-caf.
***Picture taken from:
Purex on Facebook.