Sunday, May 12, 2013








Monday, April 8, 2013

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Stuck a Fork in It

Crock pot dinner #2 turned out better than last night's porkchops (which were good but I think I'm going to try that ranch/cream sauce on chicken next time). I have only found one recipe (so far) that I like for chicken breasts and that includes mayo (fatty). I think its a texture thing. The chicken can not seem to get moist enough for me, even in the crock pot. Tot3 seems to agree with me. He is my semi-vegatarian. He will only eat steak or hot dogs. My wallet does not like the steak.

I did barbeque chicken in the crock pot with a new recipe for the sauce which was really good. And it was easy. Husband put the thawed chicken in the pot and then poured the sauce I mixed up last night before bed.

The hard part was I found a delicious looking recipe for chedder and herb biscuits that I wanted to do because my family would eat biscuits every night if I bought them. I am all for convenience but waiting for dough to rise or using 6 bowls for separate incorporation instantly shuts me down. We usually do the cresent rolls from Pillsbury but I only buy two rolls a week in order to incorporate variety. These were pretty good, even if they weren't as pretty as the picture. Next time I think I will add the suggested two cups of cheese and double the garlic. We are not a huge fan of garlic but I could barely taste it.

I would like to thank Stick a Fork in It for dinner tonight. I'm on my third biscuit!

Pinterest of the Day


Who has that much time? If you do, please come to my house. I have 3 pages of to do's that you can help me with!

Seriously, though, I could do this Pumpkin Decor via Brandi Maze:

and will when we get pumpkins for the year. I got a hook this year for Jason's Mother's Day present of flowers which died.

From Airplanes to Potties to Girls

"I need to get big and strong and be like daddy so I can jump from an airplane!"


"Why is that man dancing? I don't like when men dance! I only like when girls dance!!"


"I saw airplanes today but there were no bathrooms."
I ask, "Where do the people who fly the planes go potty, then?"
"They have to stop and go in the ocean."

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


  • Dinner prepped for tomorrow
  • Crock pot cleaned and waiting for husband
  • Snack set for school
  • Coffee ready to be pushed "ON"
  • Shower done
  • Clothes laid out for work tomorrow
Yes, I really suck that bad in the morning.

What's for Dinner

I had planned on working today but my supervisor called on Friday to cancel. It all worked out in the end because child9 would've missed orchestra because husband has to work tonight. He would've had to stay up till noon to take tot3 to school and then crash till 5pm. I would've been home by school pick up but on Tuesday's both of us have to go to school to pick up a kid. One drops the other off at the elementary school and picks up child9 and takes him to the middle school. The other waits for tot3 to get out of pre-k five minutes later. Now husband can sleep and help with the afterschool activity. Bonus: I get an extra day to get through this hacking cough.

So crockpot dinner it was and still is because it sounds like a rather good idea so I don't have to feel rushed when we get home around 4:15 (dinner needs to be done by 5 at the latest).

Smells good so far but it is the first time I have used ranch dressing in a recipe:

Ranch House Pork Chops

We'll see how mine looks soon!